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Join us for EASTER CAMPS 2023

As well as eating far too much chocolate and using it as an excuse to eat hot cross buns for breakfast, Easter is a special time for Christians as we celebrate the story of Jesus death and resurrection and think about new life. 

To celebrate Easter Sportily will be running loads of incredible sports holiday camps for children and young people across the network this April.

These camps will be packed full of games and activities that will get you moving and active in a variety of different and fun ways. 

We want to give you the opportunity to try new sports, play new games and talk life.

Some of our camps will also be exploring the Easter story in an interactive and fun way - a place to discover something new about the story and to ask questions about it: What did come first, the Easter Bunny, the Easter Egg or Jesus?

Whether it be running, jumping, throwing or laughing, why not come and #Giveitago and see for yourself the fun that a Sportily Easter holiday camp can bring.

Click below to check out and book for an Easter camp near you.
(Beacon, Cirencester, Cheltenham, Blakeney, Gloucester City, Hardwicke, Nailsworth, Innsworth, Stonehouse, Kemble)
(Some camps are offered within the Holiday Activity and Food Programme, free to those receiving eligible free school meals. Click here for more info)