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Adam's Mental Health Journey

For World Mental Health Week 2024, we caught up with Sportily Apprentice Adam to hear about his journey with his mental health. His diagnosis of Erb's Palsy has brought on its own unique challenges while growing up, but he hopes that by sharing his story, others will know that they are not alone. 

"Growing up, I'd describe my childhood as pretty typical: two loving parents and an older sister. Despite my disability, my parents always encouraged me to get stuck in with other kids my age, treating me no differently. They recognized my challenges and were always there to lend a hand or show me a new approach.

It wasn't until primary school that I began to grasp my differences. Hearing comments like, "You need two hands for this," had a significant impact on me as I navigated learning. It made me try twice as hard to do things as I always felt two steps behind everyone, which has been the theme of most of my life. I hold myself to standards that are way too high to maintain and beat myself up if I don’t perform at a level I think I should be at. 

It took me 20 years to see my disability as a blessing rather than something to hold me back, but I still struggle with anxiety and the feeling of people staring and talking about it. I would say that my mental health has struggled because of being “different” to most people. But I think it has made me stronger and because of it, I strive to participate in activities like everyone else, even if my approach may differ or require more time. Despite my fear of asking for help, fearing failure or being perceived as incapable due to my impairment, I refuse to give up.

I will forever be grateful for my amazing family and support worker who treat me just like everyone else, never allowing me to feel inadequate or different. I've achieved more than I ever thought possible and take pride in my accomplishments. Though I still face challenges, I'm excited for this next chapter of my life."

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