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It's the season for shooting hoops

It's NBA season across the pond but we don't let the distance stop us from being inspired by basketball's biggest tournament of the year.

We caught up with Luke and Ydson - two of our Sport and Faith Coaches to hear their thoughts and how they're using it to inspire their sessions.  

Luke: ‘’Hey everyone, if you’re a basketball fan, you’ve come to the right place!

Me and my colleague Ydson love basketball a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean we really really love basketball.  

Ydson: You can say that again bro. I absolutely agree. Luke, what’s your favourite NBA team again?

L: Definitely the Goldenstate Warriors man, they've been doing so well this season and have made it all the way to the NBA Playoffs. I’m sure this year they can win the whole playoffs. We have the best 3 pt shooter in the NBA, Steph Curry, who brings his A-game, every game, and basically never misses. He scored 30 pts last game against the Sacramento Kings, contributing to a great playoff win.  

It's not just him but the whole team is great, 'cus they give it their all and are working so hard to get that W (win, for those who aren't up-to-date with the youth slang!).  

Y: I like your passion for Goldenstate, but I’d have to disagree with you there. Miami Heat is going for that championship, and we'll get the W in the end. 

Bro, look at Jimmy Butler, just last Wednesday he had his highest-scoring game ever with the Heat, a huge 56 points. He's a scoring machine, and his hard work and skill are certainly going to help us win this year.  

Yes, you have a great 3pt shooter but can your players rack up as many points as Jimmy, I don’t think so!  

L: Those are valid points, so we’ll just have to wait and see. But they don’t call Goldenstate the ‘W squad’ for nothing mate. I know they're gonna win! 

Y: In all honesty, it's difficult to predict where the basketball playoffs will go based on recent performances. We can, however, highlight the impact of players like Jimmy Butler, who tends to play his best game during the playoffs, his competitive side really coming out. 

L: Actually I do see that, The playoffs bring the best out of him.  

Y: Relating all this to our Basketball sessions at Sportily, like the NBA players in the playoffs we always give our all, and encourage each other during every session, even when faced with challenges.  

Whenever someone in the session misses a shot, we make sure we all encourage that person that they don’t have to give up as it's not about being the perfect player, but about being determined and always giving it your all.  

L: It's all about teamwork and communication, skills that are essential in all parts of life.

Y: So next time you’re at a Sportily basketball session, listen out for encouragement because you gonna hear a lot of it!  

L: Well said Yds!

Both: Sportily over and out!"