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Mark's Mental Health Journey

For World Mental Health Day 2023, we sat down with Mark who was a Sport and Faith Coach for us at the time.

He shared a moving story of his struggles with mental health which you can read here

For Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, we asked him to reflect on how it felt to share his story with some of the young people we work with and the impact it had on the people around him.

If you are struggling with anything similar or any aspect of your own mental health, please do find a trusted friend or adult to speak to. At the bottom of this article, we have listed a selection of mental health charities and how you can contact them. 


"At TRAC 2023 (our summer residential), I did a mental health seminar for the first time in my life.  I’d shared my journey prior to this with friends and those who I felt needed to hear it. I’d even preached on it in some of my sermons, but didn’t go into great depth. 

What have I learned from doing this?

We’re all on the mental health spectrum somewhere and where we are will alter throughout our lives. When I was younger, guys in particular didn’t share their emotions – it wasn’t seen as ‘masculine’ or ‘cool.’  I’m glad that this isn't the case as much today, with there being more awareness of mental health struggles. But the challenge for me is to not remain silent. Especially having been a voice of hope, encouragement, living testimony and source of light to others, I have to remember to check in with myself regularly. 

Whenever I talk about mental health with young people, I normally do an anonymous Q&A session.  The questions that get submitted are heartbreaking and show me the severity of the battles we’re facing. I’ve resolved in my life not to stay silent over my battles but to talk openly about them to others when appropriate. To be vulnerable, to show the scars on my heart – to say I still have days I don’t want to get out of bed and feel like the world is crumbling around me.

We need to speak out and let others know it’s okay.

The overwhelming feedback I’ve received from doing this – is people being extremely grateful and opening up back to me saying I’ve never talked like this to anyone before. I remember back in 2020 I read a bloggers post on their mental health journey.  They battled with the exact same things I did, but by them being so vulnerable, open and even approachable as I corresponded in emails with them – they gave me something I could never repay them for – Hope. I had hope if they got better so can I.

So let me encourage you – it can be vulnerable and scary – but you may be the key to someone else’s breakthrough and be the hope they need."

If you'd like to share your story, please email

If you need help, you can use any of the charities listed below by clicking on the logos: